Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Top 3 Anesthetic Numbing Gel/ Creams for minimizing pain during laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a painful process so it is recommended by dermatologist and skin care professionals that apply a topical anesthetic or numbing cream prior to 20-30 minutes of laser hair removal sessions.
Many of my followers also want to know about best topical numbing cream to minimize pain during home laser or IPL hair removal sessions. 
First of all we try to understand the difference between numbing gel/cream and calming gel/cream 
1. Numbing Cream: - A numbing gel or Cream is a topical anesthetic which reduce pain sensing during laser or IPL hair removal treatment example of a numbing gel is Lidociane 4 to 5% gel. 
2. Calming Cream: - A calming cream or gel Keeps your skin cool and makes you comfortable during laser hair removal sessions Exaple of a calming gel is Tria smooth start calming gel 
So today I am telling you about 2 best topical anesthetic or numbing creams and one best calming gel for reducing pain in the laser hair removal process. 
Most of woman’s buy the personal laser hair removal systems but forget to buy numbing creams and calming gel and complain that using laser hair removals at home is a painful process. 
1. Greencaine (4% Lidocaine Gel):-
This topical anesthetic gel is proven best effective numbing gel for the Tattoo, Electrolysis, Piercing, Brazilian Waxing etc. Greencaine containing 4 % Lidocaine Gel is starts working within 45-60 minutes when applied in a thick layer (not rubbed) and within a full hour it reached at maximum numbing strength.
Greencaine is a topical numbing gel and a non-greasy formulation. 
This 4%Lidocaine gel also come with skin permeation enhancers and soothing agents. 
2. Dr. Numb Maximum Topical Anesthetic (5% Lidocaine Cream):- 

 This topical numbing cream contains 5 % Lidocaine (Greencaine contains 4% Lidocaine and Dr numb contains 5% Lidocaine) 5 % is a maximum range of Lidocaine in any over the counter anesthetic cream or gel because higher than 5 % require a doctor's prescription. 
3. Tria SmoothStart Calming Gel: -
Ingredients:- Tria smooth start calming gel  contains herbal extracts with anti inflammatory properties. Tria smooth start calming gel Keeps your skin cool and comfortable during laser hair removal sessions, it also soothes the skin during treatment.

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